Serving Photographers

Focal Marketplace

We know how great you are, let us show everyone else!



I can't even begin to describe how amazing Focal has been and the impact they have had on my business! Their customer service is beyond amazing. They really care about your success in the industry as a photographer, but also care equally about the clients who are  booking to ensure they have the best experience, start to finish... it's such a win win when you feel like you have a team behind you that aligns with your values!

Their marketplace has been incredible for bringing in bookings, and their booking system has really improved how I go about scheduling clients. Focal changed the way I go about my business for all of the best reasons! Cannot recommend them enough! Lachlan and the whole team are just wonderful, and truly care in your success.

Christin Carruthers
ooh ooh darling photography

5 Star Google Rating

Helping Photographers is Why We Do it

Get Discovered by Your Ideal Clients

Our vision is for photographers to succeed on the merits of their work - not SEO, social media, or ads

Help clients discover what you offer

Show off the amazing shoots you offer so clients can find and book them.

Simple and easy-to-set-up package templates.

Designed to sell clients on you and the experience you provide — not just photos.

Integrated Google or Facebook Reviews to show off your raving testimonials.

See example

You are in control

With Focal, your work and your brand come first. You set your prices; you create your packages. You decide what to offer on the Marketplace.

Integrated social links

Fully customizable branding

Custom domains

See example Package


Let's answer some of your questions

How does the Focal Marketplace work?

Have you ever thought of how hard it is for a customer to find a photographer? Try Googling for one in your area now: you’ll be met with a dozen different website layouts, half of which don’t have any pricing information, and another quarter of which won’t have any details on how to book — and that’s before you’ve gotten through the first page of search results. Focal's Marketplace simplifies that process, ensuring the best match between photographers and their clients.

On the Marketplace, your work speaks for itself — you don’t have to worry about ad spending or how your Instagram following compares to the next photographer. Customers browse by location and shoot type (e.g. San Antonio family photographers) and get in touch when they’re ready to book.

For photographers, Focal’s Marketplace makes handling bookings a breeze. When a customer wants to hire you, they’ll send you an email directly to your inbox. Then, through our powerful CRM (customer relationship management) suite, you can send a customized booking page and payment link to each customer. (Many of our photographers use these tools for their own customers, because it makes their lives so much easier.) We've partnered with Stripe so you can take credit card payments lightning-quick. Plus, our booking manager allows you to keep track of payments and upcoming shoots, so you’ll never miss a thing.

What makes the Focal Marketplace different from others out there?

"Photographers first” is our motto. That means we aren’t trying to hide your customer leads from you or manufacture fake ones. We’re not here to get in the way. That’s why your branding is front and center on all your packages — because we want you to grow your business on your terms: set your own prices, control your own bookings, and manage what packages go on the Marketplace.

Why packages? Can't I just charge my shoots by the hour?

Your style is unique — but a price tag and list of shots doesn’t convey any part of what makes you special. And if that’s all your customer sees, then that’s all they have to compare you with the next photographer.

Our data shows that customers are more likely to book photoshoots when they can imagine the experience they're booking. Our packages are designed to tell the story of your shoots, giving your customers something tangible to purchase instead of "$X for Y hours of coverage."

And when your customers are ready to book you? There's no long chain of back-and-forth emails deciding on details. Everything's already been covered. They just book.

Which Focal plan is for me: Starter or Partner?

We designed the Focal Starter plan to be an end-to-end solution for newer photographers looking for a professional system to start commercializing their business. It includes all the tools you would need to start offering and booking shoots — and is so simple you can get set up in a day.

Our Partner plan is geared toward seasoned photographers who are booking more than $500 in shoots per month. It allows you to take full control of your branding by using your own custom domain and a 0% fee on bookings on your own clients through the platform. The 15% fee still applies to customers that book you through the Focal Marketplace.

What does it cost to appear on the Marketplace?

Getting listed on the Marketplace is free. We want to eliminate barriers to photographers looking to grow their business. We charge a modest 15% commission on bookings generated through Focal. We find this is a fairer payment structure for photographers than other traditional directories.

When will the Marketplace launch in my city?

Right now, the Marketplace is in beta stage. We’re actively recruiting new users across North America. Once we’ve reached a viable threshold of photographers in your area, we can launch the Marketplace and promote it. In the meantime, you can take advantage of our CRM suite to create jaw-dropping packages, manage bookings, and accept credit card payments. You can also gain access to our free one-on-one Business Accelerator program, designed to assess your photography business goals and help you chart a path to reach them.

How do you plan to promote the Marketplace?

At Focal, your success is our success — and that extends to the way we promote the Marketplace. We know the whole point of listing your business is getting seen. When we launch the Marketplace in your area, we’ll be taking a multilayered approach: Google Ads, SEO optimization, targeted Facebook groups, and content marketing aimed at attracting your ideal customers. Interested in being featured in a Q&A piece on our Blog? Send us an email at

What happens when I schedule a demo?

Our demo calls usually go 30-45 minutes. We want to get to know you and your business before we explore how Focal could improve your workflow. Once we've introduced ourselves, we'll take you through a demo of the platform to show you exactly how you would set up your portfolio, connect it to your website, and take bookings. Then, if you're ready to sign up, we'll apply a free trial of the Partner plan and take you through the registration process step-by-step. Most photographers get their Focal Portfolios set up and integrated into their website the same day and are taking bookings by the evening.

Browse and Book a Photographer on the Focal Marketplace

Browse Styles, Compare Packages and Find The Perfect Photographer
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