Increase Sales From Your Website With This FREE Lindsay Coulter Module

Ready to have a website that converts leads to sales all by itself? Claim your free Better than Booked x Focal module with Lindsay Coulter to learn how!   


keep reading for a sneak peek of what you’ll learn…

What is the Photography Marketing Funnel?

You may have heard of the sales term “marketing funnel,” but have you ever heard of the photography marketing funnel? No? Well, good news! We’re here to walk you through this critical customer journey with tips from our very own Founder and CEO, Lachlan Shum!

First thing’s first. Let’s talk about the three layers that make up your funnel and how we can use them to optimize your customer journey.



Top of the funnel: Impressions 

Let’s step into the perspective of your potential customers. Imagine you’re planning your dream wedding and you’re searching for the perfect photographer to capture your day. You look through your Instagram, talk to your friends, and search the internet, checking out numerous photographer portfolios along the way. 

These are impressions. 

Your customer finds your work commonly through social media, word of mouth, Google SEO, or ads. After you’ve made your first impression, your clients are going to want to visit your website. But where is it? 

Middle of the funnel: Leads

This brings us to the second layer of the funnel. Your customer has now seen your work and wants to check out your website for more information. Are they going to be able to find you?

Let’s step back into the customer journey. 

You found this amazing photographer on Instagram and moved down the funnel to their website. Their portfolio is stunning, you feel you’ll click with the photographer after reading their About Me, and you see the package that is perfect for your special day (hint: having packages are a must). You are sold on this photographer and can’t wait to book! But to your disbelief you’re met with yet another blank contact section and decide to move on.

This is why it is crucial your website is linked at all possible impression points. 

Bottom of the funnel: Sales 

Now for the most important part: Making the sale. Luckily for you, you don’t have to be a sales wizz to convert leads to customers. You just need a booking system! Imagine you've reached out to your dream photographer, but you continue looking as you wait for a response. Hours pass by as you explore your options. Eventually the photographer responds, but the back-and-forth communication leads you to reach out to another photographer whose booking system allows you to see what they offer and their open dates. The best photographer just lost the sale. Don’t let this be you!

Click below to earn more about the funnel and how your website can increase your sales.


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