6 Tricks for Choosing Your Photography Domain

As a photographer, establishing an online presence is crucial to reaching your clients, and your domain name is an important part of this process. Your domain name is the digital address of your business and choosing the right one is essential for building brand recognition and SEO. As simple as it may seem, there are a few do’s and don'ts to choosing the right domain. In this article we’ll give you 6 tips that will help you find the perfect domain for you!

Tip 1: Choose a name that's easy to spell

When deciding on a domain name, simplicity is key. You’ll want a name that is easy to spell and pronounce (remember, word of mouth is an important channel for your business!). Your clients should be able to type your domain without pulling out a dictionary. To help mitigate any confusion you’ll want to avoid using complex words, unusual spellings, or double letters (phillipphotography.com). Selecting a straightforward domain name is an easy way you can help make sure your clients find your new website!

Tip 2: Avoid numbers and hyphens

Including numbers or hyphens in your domain name can cause unnecessary confusion. Seriously, just don’t do it. Your clients could become confused about whether it’s www.photos4you.com or www.photosforyou.com and miss your website entirely. Similarly, hyphens may be forgotten or misinterpreted - they are hard to hear, after all. To make sure your clients remember your domain, and can pass it along to others, it’s best to stick to the good old ABC’s!

Tip 3: Use keywords

Researching and incorporating relevant keywords into your domain name is an easy way to boost your SEO and reach your clients. The right keywords will make it easier for search engines to connect you with your target audience. Consider including terms like "photography," "studio," or "wedding" that align with your market; you want to make it as simple as possible for them to find you!

Tip 4: Match your domain and your business name

Consistency is key to building a strong brand identity. When possible, try to keep your branding consistent by using the same name for your domain as your business name. If your dream domain is already taken, consider adding a relevant qualifier. Maybe www.yourbrand.com becomes www.yourbrandphotography.com. Bonus points if the social media handle is available as well!

Tip 5: Good enough is good enough

We all strive for the perfect domain name, but it's essential to remember that getting your business online is more important than chasing an elusive dream domain. Be open to alternatives and understand that good enough is just that - good enough. If you find yourself stuck waiting to launch because you just can’t pick a domain, name generators like Nameboy and DomainWheel are fantastic tools. These generators allow you to enter your keywords and generate domain suggestions tailored to your photography business.

Tip 6: Make sure your name isn't already copyrighted

Alright, so you have a name you like and it’s available, there’s one more step you’ll want to take before you launch your new website to help avoid potential legal trouble. Make sure that your name hasn’t been copyrighted or trademarked by another entity (trust us - it happens). Once you’re sure your domain name is your domain name it’s time to purchase your personal slice of the internet!


Selecting the right domain name is an important step in launching your photography business and establishing your digital presence. So, take these tips into account, find a domain that works for your business, and get ready to share your new Focal website with the world!


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