Four photos taken by photographers featured on the Focal Marketplace with the caption "How to Find Your Picture Perfect Photographer with the Focal Marketplace"

How to Find Your Picture Perfect Photographer with the Focal Marketplace

It’s hard to find your “picture perfect” photographer. Trust us, we know!

Unless a friend of yours has a recommendation, you’re stuck Googling “Family photographer near me” and then sifting through the dozens of options.

But then you realize you don’t really know what you're looking for. You browse a few websites but where are their prices? And how do I even book this photographer? 

Have you run into this problem and asked yourself these questions before? Only to engage in a thread of 10-20 emails with the photographer to find the answers?

Well, that’s why we created the Focal Marketplace: A place where you can type in your location and the type of session you want and then boom! An array of talented photographers to choose from pop up right on your screen. All in one place.

That’s what our marketplace does. 

Here’s how to find your “picture perfect” photographer with the Focal Marketplace.

Focal's photography marketplace feature page
The Focal Marketplace's Featured Page

On the marketplace homepage (see above), it showcases the photographers’ “Featured” packages. While you can scroll through these options, I recommend going to the search bar at the top and type in your location. Otherwise, you’ll be browsing through a bunch of beautiful photos but they won’t all be taken by photographers near you!

From there, utilize our filter bar to choose the type of session you want, the price, and the length of shoot. That way, you don’t get excited about a photographer only to realize that A) they are out of your price range or B) they don’t have the type of session you really want. 

Family package page in Victoria, BC on Focal's photography marketplace
Family Packages in Victoria, BC on the Focal Marketplace

Once you’ve narrowed down the photographer and package you want, you can read through their description, policies, and FAQs and then click “Inquire” to get in touch with them.

After reading their description, you will probably have a lot less questions you need to ask because they were already answered by that description. No email threads asking if they even offer a family package or how much they cost. Just a little bit of reading and you are ready to book.

Victoria, BC photographer, Vlad Vasnetsov, couples package on Focal's marketplace
How to Inquire with a Photographer

It’s really that easy.

What makes the Focal Marketplace different from other marketplaces is that we value this information. We are the photographers’ customers too, and we understand that it’s frustrating not really knowing what we’re getting into when we book a photographer. We want to know how much a photographer is and exactly what they offer before inquiring. 

Silver Couples Session in Victoria, BC on Focal's marketplace

The Focal Marketplace encourages photographers to craft detailed descriptions that describe each session in detail. We encourage photographers to outline what happens when you book (Will there be a phone consultation?, Will you meet up a few minutes before the actual shoot time to discuss things?, etc.), as well as what happens during and afterwards (How long will it take for the photos to be returned?, etc.). 

Having these longer and more detailed descriptions also helps you find a photographer that matches the “vibe” you might be looking for. Some photographers shoot in a darker and moodier style while others prefer a bright and airy style. This might be something you didn’t even consider before reading the descriptions on the marketplace!

Overall, we want you to feel confident about booking your “picture perfect” photographer...even before you officially book!

How to Use the Focal Marketplace to its Fullest Potential:

Fill out our “Find Me a Photographer” form on our website right HERE, and we will pair you with your perfect photographer!

Click the button below and start browsing our photographers!


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