Better Than Booked with Lindsay Coulter

Get ready to embark on a whirlwind adventure through the vibrant world of wedding photography with none other than the sensational Lindsay Coulter. With a decade of experience, including over 400 weddings and a staggering 1000 photo shoots, Lindsay has cemented her place among North America’s top wedding and portrait photographers. Hailing from the charming city of Waterloo, Ontario, Lindsay's photo-clicking journeys have taken her to corners near and far, spanning the entire globe.

Now, she's ready to spill all the beans in her brand spanking new course, "Better Than Booked." It's like a treasure map, leading you through all the lessons she's gathered in her incredible, kaleidoscopic journey through the world of photography. | @lcoutler

Lindsay's course doesn't just sharpen your technical skills, it also fuels you with the mindset you need to conquer your market. She opens up about the nifty tricks and habits that catapulted her to a six-figure goal in less than a year of business—think productivity planners, habit trackers, gratitude journals, and more!

For years Lindsay has been a sought-after photography business coach, but now, for the first time ever, she’s bundling all her knowledge up into one comprehensive, fun-filled course. According to her clients, Lindsay's magic touch has helped them scale to heights they never even dared to dream of while also carving out more time and freedom for themselves. Lindsay is bubbling over with excitement to share her golden keys and help fellow photographers construct the life they've always fantasized about.

Dina & Rachelle shot by Lindsay

"During periods of burnout, I learned how to become more profitable, and during periods of struggle I learned how to become profitable" - Lindsay Coulter.

If you're a wedding photographer yearning to construct your dream photography empire—one that’s not only profitable but also gifts you the sweet nectar of freedom—then this course is your golden ticket. Trust us, it's the only one you'll ever need!

If you're already part of our Focal family, you'll receive FREE access to Lindsay's website module. And it gets better! Scoop up the full "Better Than Booked" course and you'll bag a full year of Focal's AI Blogging Assistant for your website, absolutely free ($240 value)!

Lindsay will guide you through building a successful wedding photography business and we'll supply the tools to make it happen. How's that for a shake and bake!

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