modern photography's Extended Family



Are you wanting to give the ultimate gift? Planning an extended family session with multiple families is a priceless opportunity. Perhaps it's to celebrate a birthday or anniversary or just to capture this moment in time, it is worth the effort in coordinating all your family members' schedules, I promise!



7 days before the shoot date & time: 100% refund Between 7 days and 24 hours before the shoot date & time: 50% refund Less than 24 hours before the shoot date & time: no refund Booking is considered cancelled when the client messages the photographer in writing Shoot may be extended with mutual consent. The possibility of an extended shoot should be discussed beforehand. The hourly package rate will apply. Reshoots can be arranged at a cost of 50% of the hourly package rate. Photographer retains copyright over the Photographic Work and is able to use it for self-promotion. The client may make unlimited reproductions of the Photographic Work for family and friends both online and offline. Photoshoots will typically take place rain or shine. For outdoor shoots, an agreed alternate location may be planned in advance. Shoots will only be cancelled and a full refund given in the most extreme circumstances. If the shoot can be rescheduled there will be no additional fees for the customer. Payment in full at the time of booking. Payments may be made by credit card upon receiving an invoice.


Once booking is complete, we'll chat via email or on the phone about location. I can offer suggestions based on specific quadrants of the city or type of location. We will often book a Plan A and B day to account for inclement weather, especially when larger groups are concerned, everyone's schedules can be accommodated planning in advance.


Unlimited family members (Ie: grandparents, parents and children, aunts/uncles)1 hour of photography at the location of your choice30+ high resolution images of your choiceonline gallerydigital download

modern photography profile picture
Sarah Murdoch (Calgary, AB)
modern photography

As a mother to two beautiful but sometimes challenging boys, I know families. And I also know how much effort and planning goes into getting a family ready for a session, take comfort in the fact that I approach my family sessions in a fast paced, upbeat and completely non-judgemental way. Your two year old wants to run? we run! They need a snack? We snack! Truly, I want to capture my families as authentically as possible and together, we just go with the flow.

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Browse Family Photography Packages to Book

Calgary, AB, Canada

modern photography Focal Profile Photo

Sarah Murdoch

modern photography's Extended Family



Are you wanting to give the ultimate gift? Planning an extended family session with multiple families is a priceless opportunity. Perhaps it's to celebrate a birthday or anniversary or just to capture this moment in time, it is worth the effort in coordinating all your family members' schedules, I promise!

modern photography Focal Profile Photo

Sarah Murdoch

Calgary, AB Family Photographer

modern photography's Family Mini



It is a perfect way to update family photos with a quick session. Also great for young children or babies over 6 months. This is for a single family [parent(s) and children] at a single location within Calgary city limits.

Haley Skof Photography Focal Profile Photo

Haley Skof-Williams

Calgary, AB Family Photographer

Haley Skof Photography's Family and Adventure Sessions



*** Last minute opening Sunday September 26th 6pm A family session is all about capturing the everyday adventure of your family, just in nicer clothing and with me tagging along. I want to capture those adorable snuggles, little arms wrapped around your neck and of course the dirty little toes. I absolutely love the chaos that family sessions entail, I thrive in the chaos. Nothing is too crazy, wild or loud in a family session with me. I love to document kids just being kids! Do they love throwing rocks, or splashing? Do they love sinking their fingers into a pile of dirt or creating pretend picnics? What about seeing who can run the fastest, a good game of tag or all jumping for joy at who gets the next turn of being thrown in the air by dad! These are the photos that get the purest form of laughter and the images that last a life time.

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