604Photographer's Family Package



Is it the kids that grow up so fast or the parents that go gray so quickly?When last have you taken a family photo? How has the family changed since the last photo?Do not delay to take a new family picture this summer as everyone changes so quickly and you may never get the opportunity to capture the small children before they graduate or the parents before they are not here anymore.Family shoots can capturethe things that a family loves to do together and record all the fun moments together without it being too posed.



7 days before the shoot date & time: 100% refundBetween 7 days and 24 hours before the shoot date & time: 50% refundLess than 24 hours before the shoot date & time: no refundBooking is considered cancelled when the client messages the photographer in writing Shoot may be extended with mutual consent. The possibility of an extended shoot should be discussed beforehand. The hourly package rate will apply.Reshoots can be arranged at a cost of 50% of the hourly package rate. Photographer retains copyright over the Photographic Work and is able to use it for self-promotion. The client may make unlimited reproductions of the Photographic Work for family and friends both online and offline. Photoshoots will typically take place rain or shine. For outdoor shoots, an agreed alternate location may be planned in advance.Shoots will only be cancelled and a full refund given in the most extreme circumstances. If the shoot can be rescheduled there will be no additional fees for the customer. Payment in full at the time of booking. Payments may be made by credit card upon receiving an invoice.


As a photographer, I usually don’t start to shoot right away, I will spend a little getting to know you while I set up my equipment and get everyone comfortable with me. Relax and just have fun. The best photos are the candid ones of you being a family, rather than the posed ones. Get some of those too, but try to just relax, play, and be yourselves. Try not to focus on what you want the result to be and just enjoy the experience. You’ll get the best (and most honest and real) photos that way.So many times I have found parents who stand behind the photographer and scream, “Say cheese kids!” Yelling and demanding young children to look at the camera to smile will only stress your children out and will result in strained, unnatural and often unflattering photographs. Step back, and allow me to naturally interact and talk with your children. This will result in natural, gorgeous smiles. Help me to capture the true essence of your child’s personality by talking with and coaxing out those smiles naturally and easily.I make them do things like hug their parents, whisper in their parents’ ear, run away, or tickle each other. Those tricks will usually make them laugh and relax. After a few laughs the kids are usually ready to do most of the things you ask them to.” If the kids feel comfortable, the whole shoot will be easier on everyone!


604Photographer profile picture
Riaan Greeff

Is it the kids that grow up so fast or the parents that go gray so quickly? When last have you taken a family photo? How has the family changed since the last photo?Do not delay to take a new family picture this summer as everyone changes so quickly and you may never get the opportunity to capture the small children before they graduate or the parents before they are not here anymore.Family shoots can capture the things that a family loves to do together and record all the fun moments together without it being too posed.

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North Vancouver, BC, Canada

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